Proceed as if Success is Inevitable

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”  It is an incredibly succinct statement that speaks to the power of internal drive, motivation, and the inevitable outcomes of both.

Throughout my life, I have seen that the people most driven to succeed are often the ones who do so. Success is not something that comes accidentally. It is hard-won, and the hardest battle you have to fight is the one with yourself. If you do not believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to? I approach both my career and my personal life with unflappable confidence in myself, first and foremost.

Life as an entrepreneur requires an interesting balance of hubris and humility. Hubris is what motivates an entrepreneur to take the leap that so few take. Where most approach a cliff and think “No way, I’ll stay here with a W-2 and a retirement account”, an entrepreneur approaches a cliff and thinks “Fuck it, I’d rather try and fail than to never try and be stuck always asking myself what if…” Starting a business requires a hefty amount of faith in yourself. At the same time, humility is required to ensure a business’s success. Personally, I know that I am great with numbers. I have prioritized the profitability of every company I have started - my system is tried and true. In contrast, I am not great at human resources. I tend to get lost in the strategic direction of a company and ignore or avoid interpersonal conflicts and politics. This can be inconvenient seeing as employees are often a company’s most valuable asset. Facing the fact that I am strong in one area and weak in another allows me to outsource the things I am not good at to someone who excels. 

Understanding this balance of hubris and humility is what gives me the confidence I need to take the entrepreneurial leap. I do not doubt my ability to make the right decisions for my company. I trust myself to excel in the areas I am strong in, and find someone who can excel in the areas I am weak in. I believe that I can, even when my skills in a particular area are lacking. 

The next time you approach an obstacle in life, whether it be personal or professional, do yourself a favor and believe that you can overcome it. If you believe you can, I am willing to bet that you will.