Looking Back on an Amazing Decade
January 1st 2020 marked not only a new year, but also a new decade. The 2010s are over and all we have got are the ‘20s to look forward to (jury is still out on whether they will roar or not). I am anxious to see what type of technology, politics, and culture will emerge in the coming years, but while we wait for the time to tick by it is worth reflecting on what the past decade meant to all of us. Personally, I learned a lot.
Over the past ten years I have experienced a lot of highs and a lot of lows. My biggest take away is probably the recognition of those highs and lows. I have learned to be more cautious of what brings lows. Lows can come from bad relationships, bad business decisions, and personally destructive habits. Over the past ten years I have learned to read the warning signs and to avoid destructive behavior. Similarly, I have learned to do whatever I can to ensure the highs. I know that hard work, strong relationships, and time with my family make me happy, and so those things are prioritized more than they once were. The result is longer highs and less frequent lows.
I have also learned to be more thoughtful with everything I do. Earlier in my career I moved at a break-neck speed, only stopping to make sure that I had left my competitors in the dust. Now, I take the time to consider everything before making a decision. I pay more attention to how actions today can impact things down the road. For example, in 2010 I may have made an insensitive comment to my wife without thinking. In 2020, I have the ability to step back and think about the things that will come out of my mouth. I never want my loved ones to be upset, and by taking the time to be thoughtful I am helping to ensure that I experience more positive, quality time with the people who mean a lot to me instead of having to backtrack and recover from hastily made comments or decisions.
Self-reflection has also taught me that I require closure. I am not great at letting things go. I have to complete the emotion. If I am upset about something, I cannot drop it until it has been addressed. If I feel indebted to someone I will not feel comfortable until the debt is repaid. Knowing this about myself means that I can take the necessary steps to be happy. Letting something go may be an option for others, but it is not behavior that I personally will ever be comfortable with. Knowing this about myself leads to avoiding those lows I mentioned above.
Lastly, I learned that politics are dirty. This may seem like common knowledge, but it something that I was unfortunate enough to learn first hand. My illusions about government and regulation were shattered and I was forced to come to terms with the fact that the entire world is all about money and relationships…for better or for worse. I will continue to live my life with integrity, as I always have, but I now do so with the knowledge that things may still go wrong for me and that I can rely on myself to come out still standing.
The past ten years have been so many things. They have been frustrating, exciting, happy, sad, and a million and one things in between. I am proud of the hard-earned lessons I will be walking away with, and I look forward to what the next decade will bring.