How to Get What You Want: Part III

What To Do When You Get Everything You Want

You won’t. 

I may as well title this post “How it feels when you reach Nirvana” - because actually getting everything you want is as unlikely as achieving the cessation of all desires (Buddhist monks excepted, of course.)

In this series, I have discussed how to separate your wants from your needs, and how I like to use that knowledge to create a game plan for achieving those things. It seems natural then, to next discuss what to do once you accomplish everything you set out to accomplish…but I seriously doubt you will ever get there. 

I do not say this to crush your spirit or to contradict myself, I say this in order to acknowledge the human condition. As a species and as a society, we are always striving for more. The trick of this entire game is that the things that you need and want are going to change throughout time, and at times you will have overlapping goals. 

Additionally, I would be remiss if I neglected to mention that the things that worked for me may not work for you. We are all individuals just trying to do our best in this life. I may sound like I have all of the answers, but in reality I am just Some Guy. I am still trying to figure it out and make it happen for myself. So if the things I mention here turn out not to work for you, don’t panic. It does not mean that success or satisfaction are not a part of your future, it simply means that you may have to take a different path to get there. 

We are all on a constant quest to achieve our goals - and the horizon will move as you approach it. Remember that your goal is not your identity, and your gameplan is not a contract. You can (and should) make adjustments along the way. Don’t stare at your map so hard that you miss the scenery around you. Be open to change. In my experience, unexpected changes lead to the very best results.